Ihres frühesten Eintrittstermins, an die VR Bank im südlichen Franken eG z. Hd. Herrn Johannes Kressel Luitpoldstr. 13, 91781 Weißenburg i. Bay. E-Mail: personalmanagement@vr-sf.de Telefon: 09141 970-0 09851 580
Bewerbungsunterlagen, unter Angabe Ihres frühesten Eintrittstermins, an die VR Bank im südlichen Franken eG z. Hd. Herrn Johannes Kressel Luitpoldstr. 13, 91781 Weißenburg i. Bay. E-Mail: personalmanagement@vr-sf.de
aus vielen Branchen, u.a. Telekommunikation, Versandhandel, Banken und Versicherungen tätig. Gesucht werden Sie als Telefonischer Sachbearbeiter (m/w/d) in Vollzeit! Was sind Ihre Aufgaben
degree in economics and/or business administration, finance or a degree in banking/savings bank management (or a comparable qualification).You have already gained 3+ years of professional experience with a
yearsBonus payment "Employees recruit employees" up to 1,000 €Company pension planPossibility of home office in agreement with our clientsFlexible working hours through a personal flexitime bank
pension planPossibility of home office in agreement with our clientsFlexible working hours through a personal flexitime bank accountIndividual further training opportunitiesOption of permanent employment at
recruit employees" up to 1,000 €Company pension planPossibility of home office in agreement with our clientsFlexible working hours through a personal flexitime bank accountIndividual further training